Personal Training

Get barefoot strong, core stability, mobility integration, and eccentric strength. 

Personal Training Sessions / Health Coaching - Zina

$75 per 50 minute session

Semi-Private Training Options are available.  For larger groups please contact me.

Abby Smith - Apprentice Trainer


Mobility, stability, alignment and pain free movement.

There are a lot of good trainers, so I would like to give a brief paragraph on my specialty. Though I use all types of modalities for my clients programs, the best results come from using my barefoot, core, mobility, eccentrics, gymnastics and aerial background to teach three dimensional movements. This is foundational for athletes or even those wanting overall fitness.  Body balance, core strength, and improved conditioning are just a few of the benefits.  

Lifestyle Review + Fitness Plan

Contact me for training availability.


*pricing updated as needed